Prospective customers are encouraged to evaluate an unlicensed version of Time & Chaos for up to 21 days for the purpose of deciding whether the program suits their needs. At the end of this 21-day evaluation period, a user must either cease using Time & Chaos or purchase a license for continued use. Use of an unlicensed copy of Time & Chaos for more than 21 days, or use of a licensed copy by any person or business other than the licensee, is prohibited and a violation of international copyright laws.
Licensed Customers
Each licensed user of Time & Chaos is entitled to use Time & Chaos on more than one (1) personal computer provided that it is for their own personal use only. If Time & Chaos is installed on a computer network each Time & Chaos user on that network requires their own license.
Licensing brings the legal right to continue using Time & Chaos. You will receive a Security ID code that will eliminate the "registration reminder" screen that begins to appear after an unlicensed copy has been used for more than 21 days.
Licensed Time & Chaos v5.x customers are entitled to electronically download Time & Chaos v5.x incremental updates from our Web Site and to use those downloaded incremental updates at no additional software charge.
Disclaimer of Warranties
iSBiSTER INTERNATIONAL, Inc. does not warrant that Time & Chaos software will meet your requirements or that the operation of the software will be uninterrupted or error free. Nor do we offer any Warranties or Guarantees of any kind. You are free to use Time & Chaos in any way you see fit, but AT YOUR OWN RISK!
iSBiSTER INTERNATIONAL, Inc. is not responsible for any problems or damage caused by the software or that may result from using the software; whether licensed or not. This includes, but is not limited to, computer hardware, computer software, operating systems, and any computer or computing accessories. End user agrees to hold iSBiSTER INTERNATIONAL, Inc. and/or any persons associated with the creation of this software harmless for any problems arising from the use of the software.
We regret having to place such a disclaimer in a piece of software. We have made every effort to make this software product as efficient and accurate as possible; however, in a world full of frivolous and ridiculous law suits, we have no alternative.
WE HOPE YOU ENJOY THE SOFTWARE and we trust that you will find it productive!
iSBiSTER International ⌐ 1991-1997
Revision History:
v5.2.5 Release date 1/3/97
NEW: Control Clicks and Shift Clicks to select multiple records.
NEW: Passwords can now be saved to avoid retyping at startup on same workstation.
NEW: Delete Confirmation now includes Quantity of Selected Records.
NEW: Additional repeat options for LAST DAY and LAST WEEKDAY of each MONTH.
IMPROVED: Appointment BackGround Colors enhanced to be brighter
IMPROVED: Monthly Calendar Zoom is more colorful.
IMPROVED: About Screen Clock now displays real time
FIXED: Alarm Sounds and AutoSwitch at Midnight have been restored to working condition.
FIXED: Extra Blank Page no longer ejects after Junior or Pocket Printouts.
v5.2.3 Release date 12/2/96
NEW: Custom Telephone Number Labels can now by saved as defaults with F7 key.
NEW: More User Options on Preferences (Default Day Start Time)(Default Alarm)(Disable alarms) (Default ToDo Priority) (Default Dragged ToDo Priority) & More ....
NEW: MultiSelect Printing of Envelopes & Contact Profiles from main screen telephone list
NEW: Print Preview now saves Zoom Percent as part of Saved Settings
NEW: Ability to request past due appointment alarms as an option
IMPROVED: Calendar Printouts now include small monthly calendars at top margin.
IMPROVED: Notes Editor Toolbar buttons improved to display text attributes
IMPROVED: Zoomed Phone Book now displays full address in Contact Info Box.
IMPROVED: Recalled Custom Report now visually details all saved steps.
IMPROVED: Recalled Custom Report can now be changed prior to execution.
IMPROVED: New Conflict Checking Routines for appointments
v5.2.1 Release date 11/1/96
NEW: PAB Link Technology! Provides REAL TIME views of chaos32 phonebooks in Microsoft's PAB (Centralized Address Books under Windows95/NT)
NEW: New Graphic for allocated time on Appointment Zoom Screen.
NEW: Search Screen now support Transfer of data to Sharp Wizard 5500 Series Palmtops
NEW: MultiSelect Drag n Drop of Telephone Records, ToDo's, and Appointments to Network User(s)
NEW: Right Mouse Click now provides "Send To" option for Networked Users.
IMPROVED: Drag telephone record to todo list. Places highlight on that record.
IMPROVED: Calendars Printing now supports variable periods eg. 20 Months or 4 Weeks
IMPROVED: Dragging a Telephone Record now drags the 1st non blank telephone number
v5.2.0 Release date 9/27/96
NEW: Direct support for Printing Mailing Labels without MS Word or WordPerfect
NEW: When Adding Appt, ToDo, Phone Records Click F8 to save and add next item
NEW: WordPerfect 7.0 Support as an alternative to MS Word 7.0
IMPROVED: ToDo List Printouts - Primary Sort by Priority, Secondary Sort by Description
IMPROVED: New Controls for entering Start Time & End Times
IMPROVED: Start Time & End Time can now also be set using keyboard arrow keys
IMPROVED: Mail merge letter log confirmation no longer required.
IMPROVED: Editing of DONE todo's will remain on original dates.
v5.1.9 Release date 9/6/96
NEW: Program will automatically update to current date at stroke of midnight if running.
NEW: Support for the Timex DataLink Watches and the Royal PalmTop FL95 Organizer
NEW: Added internal's to support the upcoming Time & Billing and Expense Modules
IMPROVED: Quick Fill List's are now dynamically changed with Shared Telephone Books
IMPROVED: Telephone Book Sort now reverses column order of Lastname and Company
IMPROVED: Notes Editor enhanced to add a Select All Option under EDIT.
IMPROVED: Notes Editor now supports Right Mouse Click for Font Attributes
v5.1.8 Release date 8/16/96
NEW: Ability to have Grid Lines Turned Off on Main Screen.
NEW: System Tray Icon appears when NEW MAIL has arrived.
NEW: Appointments Sent to other users now automatically LOCALIZE ALL TIME ZONES. eg. An Appointment scheduled in Dallas 7pm (CDT) would correctly display at 5pm(PDT) to a San Francisco User.
NEW: Day Plan Printout. Contains Appointments and Todo's on a single sheet.
NEW: MultiSelect on Main Screen for Group Deleting, Priority Changing, Color Highlighting (SHIFT CLICK)
NEW: Splitter Bar between Todolist and Appointments for temporary resizing.
IMPROVED: Program Colors are now based on Windows Color Schemes.
IMPROVED: Telephone Entry Screen Performance.
IMPROVED: System Resource consumption significantly reduced.
IMPROVED: Quick Fill now handles character capitalization exceptions better
IMPROVED: ToDo List now sorts on PRIORITY first, DESCRIPTION second
v5.1.7 Release date 7/19/96
NEW: Envelope Printing now supports US Postal Service Barcode Automatically.
NEW: From the MAIL BOX you can now check the Properties of any item before accepting it.
NEW: A preference to allow you to optionally specify a Default Startup Folder
NEW: Blazing Fast DDE Search Links for use by 3rd Party Developers doing screen pops
NEW: Click on the FRAME Backgrounds on the Main Screen to access menu's
NEW: Printing now supports Customized Headers for all printouts.
IMPROVED: Print Customization Options are more accessable by clicking on ? Button.
IMPROVED: New Address Book Printout significantly improves readability
IMPROVED: ToDo List Printout enhanced to better deal with long attached notes.
IMPROVED: Telephone Entry Screen is now cached for much faster performance.
IMPROVED: Transportable records can now be any filename with an .ixp extension
IMPROVED: Automatic Backup Prompts can be bypassed by exiting via form control menu
IMPROVED: Months Listed above Main Screen Calendar are now in Native Language
v5.1.6 Release date 6/21/96
NEW: Printing NOW supports POCKET and JR printouts BETTER than ever!
NEW: Print Preview displays Preview Page Number
NEW: Ability to change the SEND TO address on-the-fly for envelopes
NEW: Print Preview Now has a RESET button to return to Factory Default Settings
NEW: Print Preview Now resizes to main screen.
NEW: Control Key Exceptions on Drag allows moving of calendar data into future/past months
NEW: Quick Fill Technology automatically completes fields such as city, overlay, prefix etc.
NEW: Telephone Book, Appts, ToDo Columns widths can now be resized and saved for startup
NEW: Telephone Book Sort (Business or LastName) can now be saved for startup preference.
NEW: Added a new DATE FORMAT to support dd mmm yyyy for some of our international customers
IMPROVED: Zoomed Main Calendar now also displays the day number in each cell
IMPROVED: Alarm Popup Screens now ALWAYS ON TOP
IMPROVED: Added new features to allow use of either Microsoft Exchange Client OR their NEW Windows Messaging System for e-mail and faxing.
IMPROVED: NOTES printing now prints a HEADER and the date printed.
IMPROVED: Telephone Detail Screen has been streamlined and tweaked.
v5.1.5 Release date 5/31/96
New: Option on Envelope to exclude a return address
New: Custom Fields now included on Contact Profile printouts
New: Custom Field Labels are reflected on Search Drop Down lists, and on Column headers
Improved: Conversion Utility works with Data Sets from international country settings.